Category Archives: Beliefs

Christmas Fruit Baskets 2023

The church assembled Christmas fruit baskets after church on Sunday December 3, 2023 and over thirty baskets were assembled and delivered by church members and friends. Thanks to all for their hard work in gathering the materials and assembling the … Continue reading

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September Meeting 2023

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We were blessed with a Spirit-filled meeting in September 2023 (Sept. 8-10). We had a good size congregation for both Friday night service on Sept. 8 and Saturday morning September 9. Elder Charles Kitchens was blessed to bring 2 messages … Continue reading

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May Communion 2023

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The May Communion 2023 was blessed with Spirit filled preaching by Elder Ricky Harcrow and singing with effectual prayers by the brethren. We had good visitation from sister churches and friends and culminated with the Lord’s Supper and washing of … Continue reading

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Baptism of Bro. Drew McGuire

Bethany was greatly blessed to have the baptism of Brother Drew McGuire into the fellowship of the church as its newest member after having to postpone it a week due to Pastor sickness. He had several members to his family … Continue reading

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New Member on New Years

On the first day of the New Year (2023) and the first day of the week (Sunday) Bethany was blessed to have Brother Drew McGuire come forward at the conclusion of services desiring baptism by asking a home in the … Continue reading

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Baptism of Wanda Tubbs Hale

Bethany Church was blessed to have Sister Wanda Tubbs Hale baptized as the newest member of Bethany on Sunday, December 4, 2022 after regular services. She says she feels at home here at Bethany and we welcome her into the … Continue reading

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Bethany Adds New Member

On a cold day Sunday November 20, 2022, Bethany was blessed to have Sister Wanda Tubbs Hale come forward and desire a home with the church. The church joyfully received her into the fellowship of the church family on forthcoming … Continue reading

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May 2022 Communion

Bethany was blessed to have a Spirit filled May Communion meeting and observance of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday and the washing of the saints’ feet. Elder Jeremy wise delivered two messages that were well received and the visitation of … Continue reading

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Yea yea–Nay nay

We all must learn to say what we mean and mean what we say and be truthful to the same. Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, “But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for whatsoever is … Continue reading

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May Communion Meeting 2021

Bethany was blessed to observe the Lord’s Supper and washing of the saints feet during the 2021 Communion meeting. We had good singing, good visitation from friends and sister churches, good preaching from Elder Mark Quarles, good food and fellowship. … Continue reading

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