Bethany was blessed with an excellent September Annual Meeting in spite of the threat of the Covid virus. There was good visitation on Friday night, September 10, but not quite what we usually have but it didn’t hinder the singing, the preaching, or praying. Brother Ricky Harcrow brought a message from Hebrews 2: 1-3 on taking heed to the things which we have hear lest at any time we should let them slip and not neglect so great salvation.
On Saturday, September 11, we were blessed with a very good number in the congregation with many visitors. There was excellent singing, preaching and prayers. Brother Harcrow brought a message of the great and wondrous miracles of God and He alone. This was followed by a fish and chicken fry and all the trimmings prepared by Gene York and side dishes and deserts by the good sisters of the church and friends.
Brother Harcrow had to leave at noon on Saturday and Pastor Larry Wise brought a message on the “Body of Christ” dealing with the physical body of Christ, the Spiritual body of Christ which is the church that will live in heaven and the local body of Christ. Thank the Lord for His presence once again, Amen!