Singing School Photos

Kaye Holley’s class–Assisted by
Janice Holder and Paige Wise

Hillery Wise and Suzy Bishop’s
Class of Little Ones

Play Time at Break

Phillip Green’s Class
Instructing Students

3 Students Leading Song
Phillip Green’s Class

Kaye Holley’s Class
Student Writing Musical Note

Kaye Holley’s Class
In Session

Kaye Holley Instructing

Lunch Being Served
By Bethany Members

Students–Teachers at Lunch

I Love Bethany Church
Written in Chalk by The Children

Harmony Valley Singing School June 18-20, 2012 conducted by Elder Phillip Green

Elder Jerry Wise
Giving Devotion

Hillery Wise and Suzy Bishop’s
Class of Little Ones–All 3

Students Playing Rhythm
With Phillip Green

Warm-Up Exercise
At Morning Assembly

Lounge Time
Between Classes

Special Song By
Phillip Green–Janice Holder-Suzy Bishop

Singing Happy Birthday
To Phillip Green

In The Lord’s Army
Hillery Wise and Suzy Bishop’s Class

Break Time
Kool Aid and Water

Phillip Green’s Class