Monthly Archives: January 2012

Blessed Day

Did you have a a blessed day today? If you made it through the day, then you most assuredly have had a blessed day. However, have you made it a point to thank the Lord for the grace that produced … Continue reading

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Infant Baptism?

One of our sons was unable to go to a Primitive Baptist church this past weekend and attended one of the denominational churches. He had a unique experience in that he witnessed an infant being baptized by the minister. He … Continue reading

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The Family

The family is relentlessly under attack in our society today with the increased rate of divorce, sanction of same-sex marriage, and TV programs that depict the so-called modern family which only shows the negative side and certainly nothing religious. The … Continue reading

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Reading The Bible

The people of God need to read the Bible for it is God’s communication tool to His people of what He has done for them, will do for them, and continue to do for them. Preachers preach the message but … Continue reading

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We Know

When we are born again, we have passed from a state of death in sin to a life in Christ Jesus. This is the sovereign work of God through the Holy Spirit that brings a sinner unable to liberate himself … Continue reading

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