The above are a slideshow and still images from Bethany’s September 2019 100th Anniversary Meeting held September 6-9, 2019. Elder Ricky Harcrow was blessed to preach three outstanding messages. Friday night was from Hebrews 2:1-3 with the subject of “Take Heed To The Things Which We Have Heard”. Saturday morning a reading of the church history was read by Pastor, Bro. Larry Wise, and preaching by Elder Harcrow from Ephesians 3:20-21 with the subject “Now Unto Him Who Is Able”. Sunday he preached from Romans 5:21 on the subject “Reigning Sin and Reigning Grace”.
We had wonderful visitation from sister churches and from friends and neighbors which help comprise a good size congregation for each service. We had really good singing and fellowship and a fish dinner on Saturday prepared by Gene York with many other goodies from the cooks of visitors and church members. Thank the Lord for a great 100th anniversary meeting and may God’s grace continue to abide with us all.–Elder Larry Wise–September 16, 2019