Communion Meeting Report

Bethany was blessed with a wonderful Communion Meeting the 3rd weekend in May (May 13-15). Elder Mark Quarles from Madison, MS was with us through Saturday night. Elder Quarles was blessed to preach Friday night on the subject of “Patience.” His text was taken from Psalms 40:1-2 but used many other scriptures to show the need of patience and how it is connected with tribulation. Saturday night, He preached from Ephesians 6:10-18 on the subject of “The Armour of God.” Great message and much needed to keep our hearts and minds in difficult times. Both these sermons can be heard on our “Audio Sermons” page. We had excellent congregations and much visitation from Sister Churches and fellow ministers. Sunday, I preached on “Unity of the Spirit.” We had an excellent Communion Service Sunday after lunch, taking the bread (symbolic of the broken body of Jesus Christ) and the wine (symbolic of the blood of Jesus Christ). We observed the washing of the saints’ feet as Jesus taught in John 13. We observed father and son washing one another’s feet and mother and daughter washing one another’s feet. We had the young and the old and those not so old that was blessed to be present. Many tears were shed during and at the conclusion as all present embraced with words of love and appreciation. It would be wonderful to keep that feeling all the time, but, alas, life is a mixture of joys and sorrows; however, God is unchangeable and is good all the time. We look forward to the next time we are blessed to oberve the Lord’s Supper.–Elder Larry Wise

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About wisepb

Pastor: Bethany Primitive Baptist Church
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