The Lord’s Presence

   The rennovations inside Bethany church are nearing completion with the laying of the carpet this week. The sanctuary is looking very beautiful and will be a lovely place to worship the Lord of glory. We must remember that the Lord’s presence isn’t determined by the beauty of the edifice; the Lord blesses when we have the right attitude and are truly thankful for His blessings. The Bible tells us in I Chron. 16:27, “Glory and honour are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place.” Humility is one of the attributes of a thankful child of God. We are like Jacob of old who felt to be unworthy of the least of the mercies and truth he had been shown. (Gen. 32:10). I trust that we will continually remember that all our blessings flow from above and not beneath. This is His place, and it is His strength we feel! The beauty of the Lord and His felt presence far exceeds the beauty of the sanctuary. We are truly thankful the Lord has blessed us with His presence as we worshipped in the dining room, fellowship hall as we awaited the construction completion and are looking forward to worshipping in the rennovated sanctuary. We pray that more will feel His presence enough to commit their lives in service to Him and be baptized into the full fellowship of Bethany church. Thank you Lord for your presence; please continue to come and visit us each Lord’s day as we endeavor to worship Thee in Spirit and in truth.–Elder Larry Wise

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About wisepb

Pastor: Bethany Primitive Baptist Church
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