We are thankful to the Lord for the blessings bestowed during the May communion Meeting with Elder Mark Quarles bringing the messages on Friday night, May 16, and Saturday night, May 17. We were blessed with excellence attendance from our Sister Churches for Friday and Saturday night services and also for supper on Saturday night. Thanks to Gene York for preparing the fish, chicken, French fries and hush puppies for Saturday night fish supper. Everyone enjoyed the fish and all the other food that was brought from members and our visitors. As always we missed all those who were not able to come. The Spirit was manifest in the singing, the prayers and especially in the preaching of Elder Quarles.
Brother Quarles message on Friday night was from Hebrews chapter 2 that exposed just how great Jesus’ name is above every name and His glory than any other. Brother Mark painted a beautiful contrast from the glory under the law that brought death and condemnation to the glory and better promises embraced in the new covenant as we see Jesus made a little lower than the angels for the suffering of death. When we see the glory of who Jesus is and what He has done, then we are to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard lest at any time we should let them slip. The law was ordained by angels in the hands of a mediator which was Moses. The greater Mediator, however, is Jesus Christ who is the mediator between God and men to bring redemption and justification from sin. Jesus was crowned with glory and honour as He tasted death for those He is not ashamed to call brethren.
After a delicious meal of fish and all the trimmings and many other delicacies on Saturday night, the worship began with outstanding singing and another very good congregation and followed by a message form Brother Quarles from John 8:56 that said, “Abraham rejoiced to see my day, he saw it and was glad.” Brother Mark demonstrated in a scriptural way when and how Abraham saw the day of Jesus Christ by faith. He used Genesis chapter 22 to show how Abraham rejoiced by faith in following the command of God to sacrifice His only son named Isaac.
Brother Mark showed how Isaac was Abraham’s only son and that Jesus Christ was God’s only begotten Son. Isaac was a son by promise and so was Christ. Isaac was to be offered on Mount Moriah which meant “provided by Jehovah.” This was also where Jesus was offered up on Calvary. Abraham rose up early and went to “the place” God had told him to offer the sacrifice. It was on the “third day” Abraham saw “the place” afar off and Jesus arose on the third day. Abraham told his servants to stay and he and Isaac would go and worship and return again showing Abraham had faith that God could and would raise up Isaac from the dead which is confirmed by Heb. 11:19.
Abraham and Isaac went “both of them together” to do what God commanded. There was no arguing on the part of either party as they made ready for the sacrifice. Just as Abraham had responded to God by saying “Here am I” he responded to his son Isaac “Here am I”. Isaac knew about what a sacrifice entailed and asked where was the Lamb. Abraham responded by telling him God would provide “himself” a lamb just as Jesus became the sacrificial lamb. Once again they went “both of them together” showing the unity of them and the unity of the Godhead displayed in the death of Christ. As Abraham was ready to slay his son, God called to him and again he responded, “here am I.” He saw a ram caught in a thicket and it was offered as a sacrifice in place of Isaac. The joy of Abraham as his son was not slain as he saw the day of Jesus Christ in a figure but now we today have the real thing.
Brother Larry brought  a message on Sunday on how we are “blameless” before God in His court of justice and how we can be blameless in our lives in service to Him knowing that one day he will present us holy and without blame before Him in love. After a short intermission, the Communion service was begun with a song and remarks by Brother Larry on the service as a whole and the unleavened bread and prayer; after which Brother Phillip Wise and Brother Terry Wise passed the unleavened bread to the members of which there were about 35 in attendance for this service.
Brother Larry had remarks about the wine and its significance in the Lord’s supper and then prayer. After prayer, Brother Barry Wise and Brother David Wise passed the wine to the members participating and meditated on what that blood accomplished for His people. Brother Larry explained the washing of the saints feet that was given by Jesus Himself in John chapter 13 and commanded us to also wash one another’s feet as an example of humility and ministering to our fellow brothers and sisters.
Preparation was made by drawing water in a basin and the sisters washed one another’s feet and the brothers in like manner. Thanks to all those who took the lead in getting the basins and the water and the towels for this solemn occasion. Fathers and sons were blessed to wash each others feet as well as mothers and daughters. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matt. 25:40). Many tears were shed and a final farewell to this service until another year by hugging one another’s neck and expressing love for one another as brothers and sisters in Christ and in the church. Fond memories to treasure in the days ahead when the sun seems so dim or seems not to shine. We draw from these Bethel spots in our lives to receive strength and press on toward the mark for the prize of the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.
Some photos of the meeting and the Communion service can be seen on the Communion page of the this website entitled Communion Photos 2014.