Red Skies At Night


When Lot was given a choice of pastures, he felt that fortune had come to him. And it may have seemed so great to the Israelites when they got their long-asked-for quails. And likewise to Jonah when he found a ship going to Tarshish–but they were all mistaken. The watered plains looked pleasant but they were right next to Sodom. The quails gave the Jews a horrible belly-ache. The ship threw Jonah into the deep where he gave a whale a horrible belly-ache. It’s not whether things are going our way, but rather, are they going God’s way. Coincidence is not always providence. The dice may roll favorably but the result may be a disaster. A storm may be lurking beyond blue skies but think on this: the storm just may be heaven-sent. That fierce wind may be blowing you the right direction. How can we know? Ask the Provider…ask the Disposer…and keep asking until you get an answer. If you do not have patience to keep asking then ask for patience. Better to know what’s right than to experience what went wrong.–Elder David Montgomery-Feb. 7, 2019

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About wisepb

Pastor: Bethany Primitive Baptist Church
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